Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spring break: Red Rock and Bell Rock Vortex

Mom and Dad in front of Red Rock

Mom and I

The family

Gazing at the Red Rock



Good times

You really feel a need to want to touch these

...Bell Rock

Red Rock

Bell Rock Vortex
A vortex is the funnel shape created by a whirling fluid or by the motion of spiraling energy. The vortexes in Sedona are swirling centers of subtle energy coming out from the surface of the earth. The vortex energy is not exactly electricity or magnetism, although it does leave a slight measurable residual magnetism in the places where it is strongest.
Juniper trees respond to the vortex energy in a physical way that reveals where this energy is strongest. The stronger the energy, the more of an axial twist the Juniper trees have in their branches. 

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